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Bookstore Cafe: Fort Worth, Texas

Gene Rhea Tucker


(drinking iced tea)
I sit next to
a trust fund Marxist
long hair and Ché shirt
(how I love capitalism)
next to a pair of goths
dressed all in black and leather
trying so hard to be anti-cool
(it’s the cool thing to do)
next to an old cowboy
and his wife
he realized long ago that
being cool was no fun
(he’s the coolest of all)
sitting next to a co-ed
laptop, latté, glasses perched on her head
leafing through Freidan
lusting for the handsome Adonis
(actually a dim-witted Narcissus)
at the table next to her’s
I return to my Melville ―
(Moby-Dick) ―
and laugh at it all